Create your own Deck~ Concept to Completion

How to create your own Deck guided by two Self-Published Oracle Deck Creators!

Create your own Deck~ Concept to... Create your own Deck~ Concept to... Create your own Deck~... The Empowered Intuitive
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What you will learn?

Student Q & A Zoom Schedule 2024
NightTime Zoom Meetings

Every month we will hold Two Q&A sessions where you can come and chat to Petra & Tay about your Deck creation Journey. 

This is the outlined Schedule for Night time Meeting for 2024 held at 7pm AEST Brisbane Time. 

If you are unable to make these sessions but wish to chat to us please feel free to reach out in the school or in our Student Academy Group over on Facebook. 

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PDF - 36.1 KB
Daytime Zoom Meetings

Every month we will hold Two Q&A sessions where you can come and chat to Petra & Tay about your Deck creation Journey. 

This is the outlined Schedule for Day time Meetings for 2024 held at 12pm AEST Brisbane Time. 

If you are unable to make these sessions but wish to chat to us please feel free to reach out in the school or in our Student Academy Group over on Facebook. 

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PDF - 37.1 KB
Week 1: Introduction/Tarot vs Oracles, What's the difference?
Introduction Tarot Vs Oracle PDF Module

In this Module we will be introducing you to the course materials and concept of creating your own deck, whilst exploring the various genres of card decks which are avaliable for creation. This will include discussing Tarot Vs Oracle decks and how they differ from eachother when used in divination. 

Copyright Create your own Deck: Concept to Completion. 2023. 

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PDF - 642 KB
Lecture 1

In this Module we will be introducing you to the course materials and concept of creating your own deck, whilst exploring the various genres of card decks which are available for creation. This will include discussing Tarot Vs Oracle decks and how they differ from each other when used in divination.

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Week 2: Discover your deck's purpose
Week 2: Discovering your decks purpose

In this module we will be discussing the concept of discovering your decks purpose which will heavily influence the planning stages of your decks creation and publication. 

Copyright Create your own Deck: Concept to Completion. 2023. 

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Lecture 2

In this module we will be discussing the concept of discovering your decks purpose which will heavily influence the planning stages of your decks creation and publication.

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Week 3: Finding your Focus
Week 3: Finding your Focus

In this module we will be discussing finding the focus of your deck in order to dertermine how your deck will be designed and printed. 

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Lecture 3

In this module we will be discussing finding the focus of your deck in order to determine how your deck will be designed and printed.

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Week 4: Opening your Intuitive Channels
Week 4: Opening your Intuitive Channels

In this module we will be exploring Intuitive pr0cesses which can be utilised in order to create you card, including the artwork and meanings. 

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Lecture 4

In this module we will be exploring Intuitive processes which can be utilised in order to create you card, including the artwork and meanings.

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Week 5: Creating your Artworks
Week 5: Creating your Artwork

In this module we will be exploring various way in which to create the artworks for your deck. 

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Lecture 5

In this lecture we will be exploring various way in which to create the artworks for your deck.

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Week 6: Putting down the Words
Week 6: Putting down the Words

In this module we will be covering how to go about writing the meanings for your cards. Exploring different writing styles and approaches when composing the words for your deck. 

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Lecture 6

In this module we will be covering how to go about writing the meanings for your cards. Exploring different writing styles and approaches when composing the words for your deck.

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Week 7: Guidebook
Week 7: Guidebook

In this Module we will be discussing how to put together the Guidebook that may accompany your deck. 

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Lecture 7

In this Module we will be discussing how to put together the Guidebook that may accompany your deck.
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Week 8: What you need to know about Publishing
Week 8: What you need to know about publishing

In this module we will be discussing thr various compontents that come into play when it comes to publishng your deck once creation is complete, as well as methods to launch and promote the sales of your deck. 

Copyright Create your own deck: Concept to Completion. 2023. 

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PDF - 558 KB
Lecture 8

In this module we will be discussing the various components that come into play when it comes to publishing your deck once creation is complete, as well as methods to launch and promote the sales of your deck.

Copyright Create your own deck: Concept to Completion. 2023.

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Additional Resources
Guidebook Formatting Instructions
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The Little Guide Book to Guidebooks
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PDF - 160 KB
Animal Symbolism Guide
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PDF - 612 KB
Common Symbolism Guide
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PDF - 567 KB
Planning Stages Questionnaire Free class!

This is our free resource for any one who is aspiring to create their own deck and would like a guide to help them hash out the details of their ideas. This resource will also be essential to begin the planning process in Week 1 of the course. 

Copyright Create you own Deck: Concept to Completion. 2023. 

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PDF - 532 KB
Story Board Template

Plan your deck creation with this Story Boarding Resource. 

 Copyright, Create your own deck: Concept to Completion. 2023

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About the course

Welcome to the ‘Create your own deck – Concept to Completition’ course.

As self-published authors of Oracle decks ourselves we have gone through the process and know where it is that a little help along the way would have been greatly appreciated.

During the course we will take you through the initial concept design stage all the way through to Printing and Production.

There is more to producing a deck than the merging of artwork with your message. Different decks serve different purposes, and it is critical to the process that you refine your ideas in the initial planning stages. This is not to say that you need to have all the answers before start, but it can save you a lot of time and heartache if you know most of the variables before you commit to a finished concept, and the result will be a more cohesive deck.

You may not yet have a clear idea of what you want to create, just that you have been called to bring something into the world. Having two guides during this process will help you get past the initial brainstorming phase as well as offering you some technical expertise along the way.

More info

About the teachers

Petra Costa

Fantasy Author. Oracle Deck Creator. Intentional Intuitive. Energy Healer. Artist.

I'm a Melbourne based author/illustrator who has been fascinated by mythology and folklore since my early teens. This fascination led me to create my own young adult urban fantasy series, ‘When Magic Awakes’. I say 'create' rather than 'write' because it has become a fully immersive experience for me. 

But this series wasn't done with me yet. While writing the third book in the series, Search for the Seer, I conceived of the idea to create an Oracle deck of my own. I have been reading tarot since I was fifteen and have been fascinated by ‘magic’ since my Nan first started telling me stories of our gypsy heritage when I was little. And it seems that all the research I had been doing for this series was leading me down this path.

Apart from writing, I am a certified Colour and Art Energy Healer, Hand Mudras Energy Healer, Crystal Healer and Reiki and Spiritual Healer. And I have completed courses in Sigil Creation as well as Runes and Oracle Card Reading. This honing of my skills led me to the place where creating my own Oracle Deck seemed like the next logical step. The deck - A Journey through Myth and Legend, is based on the characters and settings in the series and makes use of my knowledge of the various healing modalities as well as the mythology I have been studying for years.

And of course, if I'm designing my own deck, I would need to be the one to create the artwork, right? My illustrative style has been heavily influenced by my love of the fantasy genre. Fellow fantasy fans will pick up on this straight away.

Tayla Henderson

Intuitive Artist. Animist Witch. Earth Based Practitioner. Oracle deck Creator. Magickal Mentor

My name is Tayla Henderson (Tay for short) I am known as The Kynoch Witch on Instagram and Facebook, I am proud Wulli Wulli & Auburn Hawkward woman residing on Giabul & Jarrowair country, here in Toowoomba QLD but I am originally from Chinchilla which is Barrungam country. I also have European heritage deriving from Nordic & Celtic origins and as such my craft manifests as a contemporary fusion of Indigeous Spirituality & Pagan folk/traditional practices.

I am an Intuitive Artist & Earth based practitioner. my practice is influenced by Animism, Shamanism & Witchcraft incorporating elements of ancestral work/veneration, divination, Apatomancy, Shamanic Journeying and more. 

As a child I have always been sensitive and open to the realm of spirit and have been honing my Intuitive skills since the age of 13 begining my journey through research into the realm of witchcraft, tarot & the paranormal. 

 I began practising as The Kynoch Witch in 2019 after the birth of my first child as a way to come home to myself, thus begginning my journey into the realm of Intuitive Art.. Combining my skills as and artist and spiritual practice/gifts, I now birth sacred tools for Ritual practice. At present, my offerings include Intuitive Readings & Artworks, Custom & Intuitively channelled Ritual Rattles, Feather Wands & Staves and Indigenous Art Creations. I work alot with crystals also in my craft and have built a strong connection with them through the birthing of my artworks and ritual creations as well as learning about their uses in energy healing practices which I am also a student of. 

I have also birthed my own Oracle deck, The Primal Oracle, inspired by our human ancestors who walked the earth in paleolithic times. This deck is imbued with the ancient wisdom of our primal past to guide us in the modern era.  

My dream for the future of The Kynoch Witch is own my own studio where I can create magick endlessly as well as provide Intuitive Energy healing & Reading Services for those in need of spiritual Guidance. 

Over my time as The Kynoch Witch I have had the absolute pleasure & honour to create Sacred Ritual tools for fellow practitioners within the spiritual community and I am beyond grateful for the opportunities I have had and continue to have, to connect to fellow Magickal beings and supply them with Sacred Tools unique to their practice.

As founder of the Kynoch Coven Mentoring Group on Facebook, I serve the magickal community as a mentor through monthly resource offerings, courses and workshops to those who seek to learn more about the craft. 

The Empowered Intuitive

Academy of Intent & Artistry
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